Organisaties veranderen en ontwikkelen zich voortdurend om succesvol te blijven.
Toch mislukken veranderingen, zoals digitalisering of het verbeteren van processen, vaak omdat leiders en project teams te veel aandacht besteden aan de technische aspecten van de verandering.
Voor een succesvolle verandering moeten organisaties zich ook richten op de menselijke kant, en moet er gezorgd worden dat elk individu de verandering omarmt en overneemt.
Het is ook heel normaal dat een verandering een emotie met zich meebrengt. Een verandering in een organisatie gaat om medewerkers in de organisatie die met de verandering moeten omgaan.
Prosci's research shows that the chance of success of change processes is 6 times higher when a good change process is in place, instead of little change management.
Change Management contributes to the chance that a project is completed on time and within budget. Change Management is therefore not a cost item, but primarily a catalyst for achieving the desired change.
Contact us to see if we can help you with your project.When someone is in the low part of the blue curve below, i.e. in a change process without Change Management, it is likely that this person feels less demotivated and is also less productive. Chances are that the person is also influencing others negatively by his behaviour.
By applying Change Management (correctly), you will ensure that the people in your organisation will accept the change more quickly, and will therefore work more efficiently, that there will be less production loss, and that they will influence others less negatively.
Can we help you with a change trajectory?An organisation that wants to implement a change has the top part of the picture in mind. Namely, the entire organisation goes through a transition in order to fully implement the change.
In practice, it is about individuals within an organisation who must go through a transition from their current state to the future state.Costs:
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Do you want to know more about change management?
Whether it is a customer centric project, an organisational change of processes and modified operation, or a digitalisation project... Contact us for an introductory talk without any obligation.