12 September 2018 in Building
Omdat de Vlaamse administratie vanaf 2023 een aantal kantoorgebouwen in de Brusselse Noordwijk zal verlaten, is ze op zoek naar geschikte nieuwe huisvesting voor de betrokken ambtenaren.
Freestone werd aangezocht om Het Facilitair Bedrijf te ondersteunen bij de analyse van de documenten aangeleverd door de deelnemers aan de opdracht ‘Kantoor 2023’.
With codename "Office 2023", the Flemish Community placed the order to find this ideal location. This involves designing, building and subsequently constructing an office building available for the Flemish government in Brussels via rent. 2023, incidentally, is the year in which the lease for the Arenberg building ends and the move to the new building has to be started.
Strategically, the Flemish Community opts for the centralization of various services. The economies of scale created here are obvious. Not only can costs and taxes be reduced, it also promotes cooperation between employees of different agencies and entities.
For the sake of flexibility and rationalization of costs, the Flemish Community has opted for the lease of a large office building, rather than the acquisition of ownership.
Office 2023 promises to be an intensive process. Freestone was instructed to support Facility Services with the analysis of the documents supplied by the participants in the ‘Office 2023’ assignment. Thanks to Freestone's expertise, candidates can be professionally assessed in terms of, for example, the minimum requirement "surface requirement" and the "functionality" award criterion.