Consider, for example, high-performance software (FMIS, BIM), integration of sensors, Internet of Things (IoT), new business models (DBFM, product-service systems), etc.


The Smart Building in Use cluster brings together, under the wings of het Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen, progressive companies to share knowledge and experiences in a confidential atmosphere. Together they look for innovative solutions to remain among the leaders in the digital transformation. Freestone is such a progressive company.

We would like to play a pioneering role in the further digitization of the management and maintenance of buildings and are therefore an active member of the cluster.

Jolien De Veirman, Freestone Facility Advisory expert FM-tools, geeft enthousiast meer tekst en uitleg tijdens het kick-off event op 21/3/2019:

Bekijk HIER het filmpje!