A change within an organisation is often conceived from an organisational perspective. In reality, the organisation consists of individuals who ultimately work in that (changed) environment.

With change management, you ensure that the people in the organisation go through the transition as quickly and smoothly as possible, so that both the people and the organisation can make use of the benefits that the change is intended to bring about.

Change Management

The bigger the change (for example, because it affects the entire way of working, the culture, processes, cooperation, teams, etc.), the more important it is that change is managed well.

Change management is the process, the tools and the techniques with which the human side of a change is managed in order to achieve the desired business results.

The proper use of change management reduces resistance from employees and increases the chance that the change project will be successful by up to six times. In addition, with change management, the right change competencies are built up within the organisation, which is advantageous for a future change process.

Thanks to change management:

  • you ensure a larger support base, so that changes are also applied and supported by employees.
  • You increase the chance that the objectives for the change project will be achieved faster and more successfully.
  • You prevent change fatigue, which increases the power of transformation.
  • you ensure that people do not relapse into old habits.
  • you will spend less money, because the changes will be implemented more quickly and easily.
  • Too Late

Regardless of the type of change involved (business processes, working methods, digitisation, etc.), don't make the mistake of starting change management too late, for example when your employees need to be trained.

Be open about the upcoming plans, involve certain colleagues in the improvement process, so they can already get used to the idea of the change.

  • No or bad communication

From the moment a change project starts, there is usually sufficient consultation between the project managers of the project. However, there is often insufficient communication about the plans with the other colleagues. Communicate on a regular basis about the expectations, timeline, etc. and provide interim updates. and provide interim updates.

  • Involving the employees too little

Changes are usually based on strategic reasons: higher efficiency, advantage over the competition, increased customer satisfaction, aiming for more margin, etc. It is the management of an organisation that decides on changes, but it is the employees of an organisation who have to deal with it to make the project a success. Pushing through changes does not work. Involve employees from all layers of the organisation during the entire process: they are all stakeholders.

  • Too little attention for the corporate culture

Changes sometimes require an adjustment to the corporate culture. It is therefore important that the employees realise that change is necessary to support the success and progress of the organisation. By paying attention to the mentality, the mindset and the behaviour of people, the company culture can be transformed, giving the change process a greater chance of success.

  • Lack of empathy

One should not make the mistake of not understanding people who are struggling with the change and offer resistance. Show understanding and give them the right guidance to accept the change and understand that the new way of working is an improvement.

How do you ensure successful change management?

There are several ways to apply change management, but the Prosci-ADKAR model is the most widely used change management model. It focuses on the change process of individuals who are exposed to change in an organisation.

ADKAR is an acronym for:

  • AWARENESS of the need for change
  • DESIRE to support the change
  • KNOWLEDGE of how to change
  • ABILITY to demonstrate skills & behaviours
  • REINFORCEMENT to make the change stick

These are critical success factors, to make a transformation journey successful:

  • leadership/sponsorship (strategy and direction of a project)
  • project management (the technical side of a project)
  • change management (the human side of a project)
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