People website homepage

Homepage dedicated to candidates

On the homepage, candidates will immediately find what they are looking for: a selection of our current vacancies.

We are constantly looking for experts (both senior and junior profiles) in real estate, construction, facility, architecture, property technology or change.

Would you like to stay informed about our jobs? Then be sure to subscribe to our Job Letter (newsletter with vacancies). You can subscribe on every page of our website in the black bar at the bottom.

For candidates

Especially for employers

Our potential customers are now also finding their way more clearly to what is of interest to them.

Namely, if they are looking for someone they want to hire themselves, then Recruitment is what they are looking for.

However, are they looking for an expert who can support them on a temporary basis for a specific project?Project Sourcing is the solution!

Do they want to focus more on their core business, and outsource an entire business process? Then Freestone's experts can help them through BPO (Business Process Outsourcing).

For employers
People website voor werkgevers