General Project data

  • Client : Agentschap Opgroeien
  • Assignement : within the framework contract of the Flemish Government: Feasibility study CO2 neutral De Zande Wingene
  • Period : 09/2021 - 02/2022
  • Surface area : 4.930 m²
  • Number of buidlings : 4
O Pgroeien be


The Agency Opgroeien looked for assistance from Freestone within the framework of a feasibility study for the patrimony in Wingene. The background of this assignment concerns the achievement of the climate objectives 2045 in the long term, and 2030 in the medium term for the patrimony of the Agentschap Opgroeien Jeugdhulp.

It concerns these buildings:

The feasibility study includes:

  1. determining if and which buildings are still worthy of investment
  2. Determining if and which energy renovations make sense
Opgroeien be