Audit of these buildings:
- A gebouw onthaal
- AB galerij wordt afgebroken (school)
- B gebouw school
- AC galerij
- TRITON zaal sportzaal
- C gebouw
- D gebouw (in bijlage)
- E gebouw nieuwbouw (ingebruikname 2008-2009)
- F gebouw nieuwbouw (ingebruikname 2008-2009)
- KOS gebouw (huis)
- Print gebouw (schrijnwerkerij)
Analysis of :
- technical installations - swimming pool – infestation with salt water, boilers, sewage, kitchen technology
according to this exhaustive list:
- Electricity
- Sanitary
- firefighting
- elevatorkitchen
- electro mechanics
- water treatment swimming pool (incl. sea pumps)
- medical gases
- Analysis of the current building structure
We then checked the information received and selected those matters that were important for the on-site audit and for the subsequent drafting of the audit report.